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Comedy Daleks would go along with most of them since DT's Dr.
Been a new spin-off series "Class" announced, to be premiered on BBC Three in 2016, written by Patrick Ness, set in Coal Hill School. So, pretty much a Sarah Jane Adventures sort of thing, and about as welcome.
I quite liked the Sarah Jane adventures - anything with Liz Sladden in was worth watching. Jenna Louise Coleman for Class then once she finishes on Victoria for ITV?
Wasn't intending to, but accidentally caught the end of the 2nd new Dalek episode on the BBC 3 repeat.
I mean, I'm just a curmudgeon that's predisposed not to like new Who, and I could well have totally misunderstood it, given that'd I'd not watched episode 1 or 95% of episode 2 ... BUT...

Clara inside/becoming a Dalek ? Have we not done this to death already ? Matt Smith episode ? Asylum of the Daleks ?


The Doctor goes back in time and saves a boy, presumably supposed to be Young Davros, so that Clara can be saved in the future ?
Show mercy to Davros, and that gives him the vital clue to know it's Clara inside the Dalek ?
I think that's supposed to be the idea anyway.
I assume it was set up in the earlier episode to show the Doctor deliberately abandoning the Young Davros and leaving him to die, so that - along with needlessly pretending to kill off Clara and the Mistress(? no idea what are we supposed to call it/him/her now ?) the season opener could give an impression off, like, "cool - darker Doctor - everybody dies - right on".
Now OK I have a general problem with the concept of a "darker Doctor" generally, I'm not sure it works as he still essentially needs to be the hero of his own series imo; but also :
I think making this the Doctor's motivation for changing his mind and rescuing the Young Davros is way off and way too "human" and selfish and "dumbed down" .
It negates Tom Baker's more philosophical position from Genesis of the Daleks which I believe these episodes had the temerity to resurrect in a clip at one point as if to show they were expanding this legacy ?
Surely the whole point of Tom Baker Doctor's argument was you can't visit punishment on the innocent when they haven't committed evil yet : and also as a Time Lord he ultimately can't pre-judge the Daleks and commit genocide : "Out of all their evil must come some good".
Now, the message seems to be : Peter Capaldi's Doctor would be quite happy to leave a boy to be killed, because he thinks he knows his future and has prejudged him to become irredeemably evil ; but then the Doctor changes his mind because he realises his decision is going to affect the life of one human he happens to have as as his companion ? That's way too selfish imo and not what the Doctor should be about at all ?
If you want to have a supposedly unsympathetic and darker Doctor, how about him not giving a damn if his companion dies if it's the only way he saves the universe; and not the other way around as seems to be the position in the new series now

Rant over.
Big Laugh
I thought last nights episode was pretty good - felt like alien/aliens at times - dark corridors hunting the monster then being hunted... Anyone else spot the alien spaceship looked like a Stargate Puddle Jumper?
I wonder if they'll seize the opportunity to put out the first two episodes out on DVD as a full movie or not?
Two things to note about this story.
First, I dozed off part way through, which says a lot about how good it was!
Secondly, it is now set up for the second part to be all about Clara out-doctoring the Doctor. How original!!

I was going to post a guess about next weeks episode, but the spoiler tags are no longer working, and I don't want to risk giving anything away for anyone who hasn't watched this weeks yet, so I'll keep quiet for now.
Either I'll be right but no-one will believe me, or I was hopelessly wrong and I've avoided looking like a bigger dick than usual Big Grin
Oh dear, a shaggy dog story with a massive anti-climax of an ending.
Probably best episode of the series so far this evening. Think dr who bosses are setting up Maisie Williams to be next companion
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