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Ep 1 “Nora” Season 5 Easter Eggs

Barry finding out after 25 years (2049) from him disappearing in 2024 he never comes back.

When Nora keeps saying Schway it’s tajeb from the animated series Batman Beyond it’s sinething they say in the future.

The Back To The Future reference about Marty Mcfly and iris thinks it’s from Terminator 2 and Barry is about to correct her.

Nora mentions her dads symbol is cooler then Lightning Lad a character from the legion of Superheroes ftom future some of the characters from the group have appeared in season 3 of Supergirl.

Gridlock who is a DC villain is played by actor Daniel Cudmore played Colossus in X-Men 2 and 3 his also a stunt and plays the big villains that they CGI and will seen as the Elseworlds crossover cgi villain.

They mention the negative speed force which was a big of the comic flash story titled “Flash Wars”

Crisis On Infinite Earths with Barry being missing.

The Flash ring with suit coming out of it and looking comic book accurate.

Cisco thinks he made the future suit but Nora says Ryan Choi who in the comics becomes the new Atom taking over from Ray Palmer, designed the new suit.

Nora mentions a battle between King Shark and Grodd I mentioned this might happen in the second half of season 5.

Cicadas powers same as the comics where he hates metas and can take away there powers but in the comics his a religious cult and his older.

Nora can’t phase the plane so Barry says what Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne taught him in season 1 to help her phase.

If you read the future newspaper from 2049 it says there was battle between The Flash and Reverse Flash.

Nora uses the word Grife a future swear word associated with the Legion of Super-Heroes.

The idea of fixed time is taken from the Booster Gold comics who is a time travel superhero from the Geoff Johns run.

Ralph mentions Cameron Mahkent in the comics his known as Cameron Machund aka the comic villain The Icicle this is clearly for shadowing Caitlin’s missing father.

The Flash Museum which we saw a brief look at in the season one finale Barry time travels. Nora mentions the museum and mentions Dexter Myles in the comics his the curator of the flash museum.

When they phase the plane through the building it’s taken from the comics during the Wally West run as the Flash and it’s nearly shot to shot from the comic panels.
^^^ The Nora shouldn’t be here line that Barry says to Iris was from the season 4 premiere when Barry comes out of the speed force and his brain scrambled.
Part 3 of Preview Pics from Ep 3 “The Death of Vibe” Season 5
Ep 3 “The Death of Vibe” Season 4 (Non - Spoiler)

All I can say is there’s a twist to do with the villain and it involves Nora, the introduction of the new Harrison Wells, also the side story Caitlin and her missing father. As for the villain his the real deal a badass and as for the’s the end credits that reveal someone is hiding something the question is what and why. Keep a look out for the start of Ep let’s just say it’s Flash comic book related.
Ep 4 “News Flash” Season 5 Trailer
The Description for Ep 5 titled “All Doll’d Up.” Season 5

Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) lets something slip about the future that devastates Iris (Candice Patton). In an attempt to distract his wife, Barry (Grant Gustin) asks Iris to team up to stop a new meta, Rag Doll (guest star Troy James). Meanwhile, Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) learns something about her father.
Am hearing for the 100th which should be Ep 8 Barry will be facing some speedsters Zoom, Reverse Flash And Savitar and throw in the return of Abra Kadabra.
Part one of Preview Pics from Ep 4 “News Flash” Season 5:
Ep 4 “News Flash” Season 5 Scene:
Jesse L Martin who plays Joe West is going on a medical break you have noticed his character has always been sitting down it’s becauss he hurt his back during the sumner. A new pic from the Elseworlds crossover, credit to Hollywood North Buzz for the pic.
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