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Ep 9 "The Present" Trailer (Mid Season Finale):
Actually watching it again was better than OK actually very good must stop watching it at 3am Tongue Tongue Tongue like i missed that 2 of the legends were missing sure they will be in the other crossover shows
What am enjoying about Season 3 is the consequences of Flashpoint they could have taken the easy route and fixed everything and have everyone living happily ever after but it's about Barry having to live the mistakes his done and moving forward.
Looks like The Flash/Barry Allen is gonna face threat far bigger then Flashpoint in Ep 9 "The Present" which is the mid season finale, warning the following article contains spoilers:
Set pics from The Flash as you can see theres Kid Flash and Jessie Quick could this be a speedster team against Savitar and Alchemy. Also images of Cisco dressed up as Jibe and a mysterious woman dressed in black.
Another set of pics with character dressed in red and yellow he looks like a DC Comic character called Accelerated Man who is a speedster from Earth-19 funny enough HR is from there and Grodd is set to return.
Inside Ep 9 "The Present" (Mid Season Finale)
Ep 9 "The Present" Scene (Mid Season Finale)
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