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Father Ted Speed 3 (Season 3, Episode 3)

[Ted and Dougal are spying on milkman Pat Mustard, Ted is taking photos of Mustard with a camera, while Dougal got a set of surveillance equipment including an pair of headphones on his head and a microphone sticking out the rear passenger side]
Ted:[outraged] Dougal!! Did you get that [Dougal's give Ted a thumbs up]
Mustard then strolls up to a house, where he greeted with a woman in a nightie and the two go inside.
Dougal: [wearing headphones] Ted, I've turned the volume as loud as I can, so we can heard what going on inside, [Ted nods] At this rate, you can't hear a pin drop..... [a lorry speeds by Dougal, who is in the rear passenger seat, the sheer force of the sound is enough for Dougal to pass out on the back sear completely
Twins (1988)

Vincent Benedict: Yo! Holy shmoly! Now there's a man with a lot on his mind
White Heat.

Cody Jarret (James cagney)

Made it,Ma!Top of the world
The Running Man (1987)

Ben Richards: You, cold-blooded bastard!! I live to see you eat that contract, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your god-damn spine!
The Simpsons Fear of Flying

Homer: [very angry] Okay, Lisa you got your way, "your mom going to see a psychiatrist, she going to tell Marge to leave me", it'll break up the family and you have to live with your grandmother and pick beans
Lisa: Dad, I like picking beans with grandma
Homer: [arms folded] Well, keep it up, then
Lisa: [arms folded] Okay, I will!!
Homer: Good, you do that
Lisa: Fine!!
Homer: You been picking many a bean
Lisa: Hope I do
Friday after Next (2002)

Craig: You two motherfuckers huddled up or something man and find this dude.
Officer Hole: Stay right there.
Craig: I ain't goin' nowhere
Officer Hole: Calm down.
Craig: I'm calm.
Officer Hole: You're gonna sit in the car.
Craig: Do your fucking job!
Officer Hole: You're pushing all the wrong button, pal
Craig: We're the victims, man, we're the victims
Officer Hole: That victim shit is way overblown. Just sit there and shut up
[Officer Hole walks off]

Craig: [under his breath] Asshole.
"If anything in life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it's that you can kill anyone" - Michael Corleone
The Wild Bunch

"If they move, kill em"

pike bishop: William holden.
The Mummy Returns (2001)

Alex: Are we there yet?
Lock-Nah: No.
Alex: Are we there yet?
Lock-Nah: No.
Alex: Are we there yet?
Lock-Nah: No.
Alex: Are we...
[Lock-Nah stabs his knife right between Alex's fingers]
Alex: Whoa, that was amazing! Perfect aim.
Lock-Nah: What are you talking about? [removes knife] I missed.

Alex: Hey. The Book of the Dead.
Meela: What a bright little child. Your mother must be missing you terribly. If you wish to see her again, you better behave.
Alex: Lady, I don't behave for my parents, what makes you think I'm going to do it for you?
Lock-Nah: Silence!
Meela: Because your parents wouldn't slip poisonous snakes in your bed while you were sleeping.
Blade: Trinity (2004)

Blade: Now, what's behind Door Number One?
Chief Martin Vreede: I can't tell you. They-they'll kill me.
Blade: Kill you? Motherfucker, I'll kill you! I'll just enjoy it better.
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