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Full Version: Clara Croft - Chat (UK Awards day Babe 2022-24, Ult day 2022&4 Day Empress 2022-24)
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Her June schedule
[Image: IMG-20240523-181417.png]
Back Saturday morning
Clara back on tomorrow morning Smile
Clara back on tomorrow morning Smile
Clara is looking fantastic in a little red dress at the moment Smile
Her legs look stunning in that dress.
I also love her flowing dark hair too.
What a delightful vision of loveliness she is.
Back on TV Saturday morning
Clara looking great in a shiny blue dress this morning Smile
Clara has been running through a fantastic range of outfits so far this morning. The black PVC top & skirt with tights showed off her perfect pins, particularly when sat on the chair with her legs up, striking some great poses. At one point Clara stood up & started to climb on the bed, giving a great up-skirt view of her underwear. Clara must have been made aware of her flash as she quickly sat back down at the desk pulling her tiny skirt down.
Isn't she fantastic!!
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