(03-11-2023 11:33 )CheekyKev Wrote: [ -> ] (03-11-2023 10:02 )Boomerangutangangbang Wrote: [ -> ]Clara has been racing through her outfits so fast, she's now back in her Grid-Girl outfit, lost count, I think it's been 5 or 6. Sone babes don't manage that all year.
This is what I am always trying to point out where other girls are so lazy and lacking in effort compared to how much Clara does every show. I do not expect the others to come close, but they could at least put in more effort.
In some aspects I totally agree with you ,it’s a good thing to see some of the girls (not just Clara - others put in equal if not more effort :….attachyourfavouritehere…) doing regularly changes of outfits for those who watch a show through its entirety - it keeps things fresh and viewers interested, However the caveat to this is ,as far as I’m aware- the outfit change is also a sign of no callers so ,while we are all watch rubbing are hands together thinking this it’s great ,it probably means ;from the presenters perspective “I want callers better change outfit “ an example is when a girl is looking shit hot in a little number and getting call after call see ain’t gerna have time to get changed for shit lol….it’s a bit of a harsh statement to say any of these girls are lazy - takes more bollox than the contains of this chat room to sit in font of the camera and put on a show for us lot …. In the end it all comes down to the sex chat and some girls could wear a bin bag and still get you off !
Every time the amazing Clara is away for several days, it makes us appreciate her more when she is back on as she was this morning.
Just your standard Clara show then this morning. Looking glamourous and gorgeous at 5am (no small feat), so much nice positive energy, lots of outfit changes, lots of variety, from classic black to cheeky cheerleader. Clara packs more into one show than most do in one year!
(09-11-2023 14:25 )Steamtrain Wrote: [ -> ] (03-11-2023 11:33 )CheekyKev Wrote: [ -> ] (03-11-2023 10:02 )Boomerangutangangbang Wrote: [ -> ]Clara has been racing through her outfits so fast, she's now back in her Grid-Girl outfit, lost count, I think it's been 5 or 6. Sone babes don't manage that all year.
This is what I am always trying to point out where other girls are so lazy and lacking in effort compared to how much Clara does every show. I do not expect the others to come close, but they could at least put in more effort.
In some aspects I totally agree with you ,it’s a good thing to see some of the girls (not just Clara - others put in equal if not more effort :….attachyourfavouritehere…) doing regularly changes of outfits for those who watch a show through its entirety - it keeps things fresh and viewers interested, However the caveat to this is ,as far as I’m aware- the outfit change is also a sign of no callers so ,while we are all watch rubbing are hands together thinking this it’s great ,it probably means ;from the presenters perspective “I want callers better change outfit “ an example is when a girl is looking shit hot in a little number and getting call after call see ain’t gerna have time to get changed for shit lol….it’s a bit of a harsh statement to say any of these girls are lazy - takes more bollox than the contains of this chat room to sit in font of the camera and put on a show for us lot …. In the end it all comes down to the sex chat and some girls could wear a bin bag and still get you off !
You are right to say that often what may trigger an outfit change is a quiet period and thinking a different outfit will make a difference, yes. But the girls that have that option are the ones that come prepared with several outfits and then its a case of when to change rather than not changing at all. Whereas some girls make only one or two outfit changes at most and trust me, they could be dead quiet and just can't be bothered to do anything to generate callers. Its just the difference between the lazier girls making minimum effort and the girls who put a lot of effort into their whole show.
Clara is back on TV tomorrow morning.
Clara was in fine form again this morning. Multiple great outfits. The standout for me was her blue shirt, very short black skirt, tights and heels. She looked irresistible. Couldn't help but picture arriving to the office and seeing her dressed like that bent over a desk

Hope she is back on soon!
Clara is back on in the morning

What an outfit to wake up to this morning those booty shorts show off her ass perfectly and the boots just top the outfit
Agree but I was a bit disappointed she came out wearing leather trousers at 5.30am as I've only got her on TV until 7am then I have to switch to my much smaller computer screen. Those shorts showing off her booty and legs perfectly are just what I needed to watch on TV.