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Well, the funny thing is, they do have some decent, fresh, young talent, but the writing is so poor. The commentary is a joke. The logos are all low-rent. The entrance music is all poor. And, for whatever reason, they make no effort in pushing things like the X Division, or the fact they can bleed in their matches. I'm not saying they should all be bleeding like Ric Flair in every match, but at least show more enthusiasm and intensity. And for fucks sake tell the commentators to sell the product ! If only bankrupt Dixie could afford Jim Ross.

The company just seems happy to muddle along, not upsetting the apple cart; whereas they once had lofty ambitions. After watching last night's 'effort', I really would be surprised to see them existing in 12 month's time.
The young guns they do have are not pushed properly despite their potential, been like this ever since management decided to sign and push all these veterans instead. I think you have a point when it comes to the future of the company, how long can they survive selling such a tired and ineffective product?
They have managed to copy WWE in pushing the wrong talent all the time. No wonder long-term veterans finally give up and leave Sad
I have not watched TNA for a while, the last ep I saw was when matt hardy won the championship, but it has been in decline for the past 2/3yrs since trying to find a new home while on airing on spike. I wanted TNA to succeed even if they don't match wwe but put on great matches, try new things just like lucha underground who are not afraid to doing the unexpected and allowing matches to spill over in the crowd. tna led the way in womens wrestling with the feud kim and Terrell which lucha underground took it to another level a couple of weeks ago.

the atmosphere of tna was excellent but not sure when it started to become flat. also the roster seems not to have developed even the vetrans don't seem to have done something new in the ring. I seem tna closing their doors by the end of the year.
Should never have brought in the MMA stars or promoting EC3 or MVP to champions over Eric Young or James Storm or Christopher Daniels.

The Aces and Eights storyline went on to long and achieved nothing. They way they treated AJ Styles was a joke.

I cant believe theres now a director cut for this.

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Must have been pretty hard given the day Orlando had had Sad At least no-one said the gunman was a disgruntled wrestling fan.
TNA did pay tribute to the victims of the Orlando shooting before Slammiversary 2016 night by having a moment of silence with all the wrestlers on the top of the entrance ramp & the crowd all stood with head bowed.

As for Slammiversary 2016 itself, it seems to have had mainly positive reviews. It is on challenge tv in uk this Saturday 18th June at 9pm
Good choice for the next HoF member Smile Well deserved.
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