Is she related to Jessica Monaco, or just a coincidental resemblance?
I notice Cookie Jane has become the latest to have a name change. Was she sick of callers asking her if they could nibble her around the edges?

or if she wanted a good dunking?

I haven't seen the extremely pretty Addison Leigh before. Is she new?
(03-08-2018 16:14 )thrud Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't seen the extremely pretty Addison Leigh before. Is she new?
Been on a couple of times
Presumably this 24/7 IPTV thing is why we're treated to Lacey and Lola this morning. They do need a bit more effort with the daytime stuff to make a go of it, in my view.
I notice Jordy Spencer is another victim of the name-change fairy.
India Asia (You know her as Sitara) was ill this morning. So there wasn't a show
New girl on now called Clara Croft, she looks nice sitting next to India Asia(Sitara or Lucy B)
What a line-up we have today! Spoilt for choice by Jessica Kelly and Alison Wild