I've long wanted to see them paired up, even if for no reason than to prove they're not one and the same

Watching Jennifer this morning, got to thinking that I hope we haven't seen the last of her on the 'twilight zone'

Emily this morning! Looking fantastic!! Wonder why more and more of the night crew are 'doubling up' across the board now?? Perhaps convenience sake?? - who knows!
A question for those that saw her! Was the new girl named Kimmy in fact Kimmy Haze?? formerly of Babestation?? She has matured out of sight (if it is her) - stunning lady! Anyone know when she is back on??
Can we start a petition to get Lacey Jay on nights?
She's completely wasted on days
Following the offcom ruling on dayshow fetish wear, I noticed Stevie Louise did wear her leather look outfit (jeans, top and boots) yesterday from around 6.30pm, and Roxi Lloyd also wore a PVC dress this morning for a short while early doors.
During the main part of the day Xpanded seem to be sticking firmly to the new rules, although Kimmie wore a black satin skirt, so perhaps they are testing the boundaries a little at least.
Friday 13th - Saturday 14th December ratings:
Maria Smith - 9/10
Lacey Jay - 9/10
Amanda Rendall - 9/10
Ashlyn Shaw - 9/10
vastly superior to any other channel
There was some chick called Taylor on last evening, with Hannah. I assume she's been on somewhere before, but she doesn't spring to mind

Izabella and Rosie Rendall. The ultimate dream combo.
If only it was a nightshow

Looks like they are having trouble filling the daytime slots only one babe this morning and now only one this afternoon