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[split] Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source

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sting Offline

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Post: #1
[split] Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
(27-11-2015 14:07 )HEX!T Wrote:  i dont give out rtmpdump links any more. it takes to much time to keep em up to date.

mine also changed sometimes back when i was a beginner, but then i put some effort in and learned to connect to the firestorm server instead of the relay servers, and mine haven't changed for a couple of years at least, you will get there eventually
23-12-2015 23:07
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #2
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
lol il get there eventually? laugh ok mate...
well for 1) bs1 recently changed its ip address on the links given out previously here. so an update had to be issued.

2) theres a reason i picked the distro servers over the firestom 1s. the distro servers have more bandwidth so offer smoother playback.
the links were also easier to port into vlc player. this means people using vlc dont clog up the firestorm servers which are prone to collapsing when loaded up.
the vlc links themselves are also less time consuming to keep up to date as i dont have to remember which ip's host which channels.
in-fact so easy to keep updated when bs1 got its ip changed vlc playlist didnt even notice and just carried on as normal. Big Grin
3) i dont get hit with 10+ pm's every time rtmpdump takes a shit, often i have as much idea as to why as they do.

4)it looks simple because i made it look that way for you guys, it took over 2 months to figure it out properly so it would be as easy to use as it is. (i had to learn how to do it before i could make it)
the links are clean and simply enough formatted that any 1 can keep it up-to date without feeling over whelmed by a wall of text containing string arguments.

so yes mate i have good reasons for using the distro server Smile it makes vlc playlist more user friendly...
which was part of the aim of having 1 playlist with all the channels in 1 easy to maintain txt file.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 24-12-2015 18:51 by HEX!T.)
24-12-2015 18:28
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sting Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
(24-12-2015 18:28 )HEX!T Wrote:  the distro servers have more bandwidth

wrong. the 'relay' servers are provided by the channels which they pay for themselves. they know which IP addresses connect to them. firestorms server isn't anything to do with these channels, only firestorm themselves can see those details.

(24-12-2015 18:28 )HEX!T Wrote:  3) i dont get hit with 10+ pm's every time rtmpdump takes a shit, often i have as much idea as to why as they do.

i could post the server address now and you won't receive another PM about "links" again, i'll do that eventually and you can thank me later, if it really bothers you, which i don't believe it does, you have a great sense of self importance which people on here seem to polish for you.

(24-12-2015 18:28 )HEX!T Wrote:  it took over 2 months to figure it out


(24-12-2015 18:28 )HEX!T Wrote:  so yes mate i have good reasons for using the distro server Smile

no you don't. there is no one single "distro server", the channels have their own based on customer/viewer needs or demand.

in fact, if everyone who recorded these channels via bat file/command line used firestorms universal address then it would take traffic away from the heavily bogged down relay servers which BS and s66 use. more amateur guff from you misleading people.

when a BS or s66 stream goes down, i can still record them, i wonder why!

you seem to have not realised i'm not talking about some noobish vlc playlist which i don't use and never have done.

if you were so bothered about getting messages about IP addresses changin then you would have just posted the one and only firestorm rtmp address which is open to anyone in the world. it hasn't changed for years. you keep using relay servers.

i imagine you will dodge answering this, but you've kinda earned the question by trying to sound like some pro, but out of interest, what is the rtmp address or "code" to newbies do you seem to know that works for the BS and S66 streams? ya know, the "rtmp" code found in most "bat" files?

i know it obviously, i'm just curious as to if you do or not, if you post it, i'll apologise for the question and be on my way Cool

i'll give you a clue, it starts like this: rtmp://18...
(This post was last modified: 24-12-2015 23:40 by sting.)
24-12-2015 23:35
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
(24-12-2015 23:35 )sting Wrote: have a great sense of self importance...

People in glass houses and all that. Rolleyes

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
24-12-2015 23:43
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sting Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
(24-12-2015 23:43 )ShandyHand Wrote:  
(24-12-2015 23:35 )sting Wrote: have a great sense of self importance...

People in glass houses and all that. Rolleyes

now then stungring! merry xmas Cool
24-12-2015 23:56
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
^ Do your parents know your up this late?

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
25-12-2015 00:30
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #7
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
first off ive never claimed to be a pro. i give my input and guys will either take it or leave it.

yes 2 months over all, it didnt take 2 months to learn how to rip rtmpdump links. that took less than an hour.
1 day i was pissed off at having a folder full of bat files sitting on the desktop, so decided to make the vlc playlist. a couple of hours a night a couple of nights a week for 2 months.
going from not knowing what rtmpdump existed, to learning how to convert rtmpdump links into simpler 1 argument strings, that met most of the requirments i needed.
learning to read html, xml, php and css scripts,
learning how to read obfuscated html, and reintroducing myself to python.
all to get what looks like a very simple end result.
admittedly 1 of them steps wasnt necessary, but hey if you cant learn by your mistakes what can you do Rolleyes...

the end result is a finished playlist that works on vlc/xbmc/kodi/simply tv and any ios device.
a playlist that never existed in any shape or form till i decided to make it. Smile
so to me it was a successful project. Big Grin

you dont like it?. Sad
thats fine mate Wink, dont use it, or do. im happy either way.Cool

as for the rtmpdump.Huh
you mean this? Tongue
rtmpdump.exe -r "rtmp://" -f "WIN 18,0,0,232" -W "" --live -y "encoder21" -o "BS1.flv"
with alternative ip's Surprised
thats as simple as i can make it.eek i could have left in things like pageurl but there not needed .Wink, keep your flash version up to date (-f) and swap out the ip for 1 of the others if you want.
for them that wanna edit there vlc lists to use the firestorm servers then swap the publish the web link from
again using 1 of the alternate ips given above, if you wish.

Happy Christmas!. Tongue


well you have your pm turned off so i guess il have to do it here.
just for the record mate, if you thought i was making a mistake then a pm would have been politely answered.
im all for improving my knowledge base and technique in all things.
and, im more than happy to discuss what cant be in the forums, in private.
if you think you have a better solution. feel free to pm me.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 25-12-2015 22:03 by HEX!T.)
25-12-2015 11:25
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sting Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
more long-winded guff. who taught you, shandybloke?
seems like i have to repeat myself, i couldn't give a toss about some vlc playlist, i am not talking about that, i don't use it, never have never will, i don't care.

for anyone that still records uk based streams, do the channels a favour and replace the rtmp address for BS, unleashed, and s66 with this: rtmp://

it hasn't changed for years, and none of you will be contributing to the bogging down of the channels relay servers. they are there to provide a viewing stream on their sites, not for loads of people to connect to day in day out. anyone that says it doesn't work, you're doing it wrong. for anyone that used bat files to record those awful s66 webcam shows, they have your IP addresses and geolocations if you didn't use the address i just posted. they probably won't do anything with it, but just saying.

yet again, i will repeat myself for the hard of learning person above, this has nothing to do with any "vlc playlist". nothing. got it?
(This post was last modified: 26-12-2015 01:59 by sting.)
26-12-2015 01:56
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #9
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
oooh! so aggressive... love it laugh... is actually //

i dont use publish the web links in my rtmpdump links that i give out on public forums.
i give out the firestorm servers and its by choice. as from what i can tell theres only 1 publish the web server, theres at least 10 ohv firestorm servers.

// isnt a universal ip address from what i can tell, its the wowza streaming server that feeds the the firestorm distro servers
so to my mind, if i send every 1 to /, theres a very good chance it will choke due to being oversubscribed, it would have a knock on effect for every 1 downstream the on the firestorm server.
for this reason, i send them all to the firestorm servers not the publish the web server.

now if this is wrong then fine. like i said all you had to do was point it out in a pm.(you really should try it.)

i use firestorm links in rtmpdump to avoid bandwidth issues. or at least that was the idea.

theres no big mystery mate. if you had of asked i would have told you. no need for the troll bate.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 26-12-2015 11:45 by HEX!T.)
26-12-2015 08:01
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andyxm715 Away
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Post: #10
RE: Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
Well it seems someone has anger management issues or in a mood because they got grounded for playing after bed time.

Like HEX!T I use


because that is what I have found when using different programs to check out different rtmp links, but I'm happy that you found
to use instead..

I bet you was like...
[Image: image-CFCB_56802ADA.jpg]

and if this is the case... good for you, but you don't have to go all Ronda Rousey on people.. no wait sorry... my bad Bounce

moral of the story is that I use HEX!T's vlc links with my kodi box, you and everyone else don't have to use them, I choose to use them, I also choose
to use the IP address that programs find when searching for rtmp links for my bat files..

If you don't like how other people are recording streams.. thats fine.. but chill the fuck out
27-12-2015 18:31
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