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[split] The "Pissed Off" Thread

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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #1
[split] The "Pissed Off" Thread
(06-03-2015 16:20 )SOCATOA Wrote:  Pissed of at form posters who dont seem to realise Studio 66 is conning callers by using day girls after 10pm without any information that it is day standard the girl is providing. Trades discription and all that.

I don't think they are also soc. They have the daytime number (0905 one) on screen which indicates it's daytime chat and then change it to the nightime number (0982 one) when the babe on screen is doing full phone sex (non daytime chat) Also the babe herself often says whether or not she's doing phone sex on the "extended daytime"/tease show either on the mic or on her social media pages

I'm pissed off I've only 1 month of watching ice hockey then the season is over till September

I'm with M-L-L the forum can be a mean spirited place at times which does piss me off too

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
06-03-2015 21:14
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"mini see through thong"

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Post: #2
RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
(06-03-2015 20:25 )Sm© Wrote:  
(06-03-2015 16:20 )SOCATOA Wrote:  Pissed of at form posters who dont seem to realise Studio 66 is conning callers by using day girls after 10pm without any information that it is day standard the girl is providing. Trades discription and all that.

I'm not defending STD66 here, but the fact that the daytime number is still on screen is the only information they need to provide.

I'm Pissed off with Bs deliberately cutting the streams at random times during the night to prevent people recording the whole show.
HEX!T provided me with some useful info about how to restart Rtmpdump recordings after the streams stop, but I'd rather have one big flv file than 5 or 6 small ones bladewave

Appreciate what you are sayingSmile If callers saw some notice that it was a daytime service, i am sure they wouldnt get the same volume of calls. Way its done its still a con IMOSad
06-03-2015 22:09
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Boomerangutangangbang Offline
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Post: #3
RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
(06-03-2015 21:14 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  
(06-03-2015 16:20 )SOCATOA Wrote:  Pissed of at form posters who dont seem to realise Studio 66 is conning callers by using day girls after 10pm without any information that it is day standard the girl is providing. Trades discription and all that.

I don't think they are also soc. They have the daytime number (0905 one) on screen which indicates it's daytime chat and then change it to the nightime number (0982 one) when the babe on screen is doing full phone sex (non daytime chat) Also the babe herself often says whether or not she's doing phone sex on the "extended daytime"/tease show either on the mic or on her social media pages

I'm as pissed off as you SOCATOA,if not more so.

Pissed off that Rammy continues to defend the undefendable.

Not every caller is a Babeshow expert like you Rammy,many wouldn't have a clue what the difference was between a Daytime number & a Nightshow number.To add to the deceit,tonight for example we have Studio 66 TV 2 on Sky channel 941 which the Sky banner reads Nights the same as Studio 66 TV 1 on 912 where the Sky banner reads Nights,only it's not cos Abbey wont be getting her tits out or doing any phone sex whereas Ella & Olivia will.That's enough to confuse any right-minded person,let alone the horny pissed up callers.

Still it's good that you understand the difference & know the phone numbers,which isn't really any use at all when you don't even call the shows.

Is it good enough for the babe to sometimes but not always say on the mic that it's an extended Dayshow,as Abbey did tonight & previously Tiffany Rose did,but Evelyn chose not to mention it last time she was on.Unlucky if you tune in a few minutes after they've been on the mic.People don't tend to view Babeshows like they do other media.For example an Eastenders fan wouldn't want to miss the first 5 minutes of an episode,wereas a Babeshow viewer would be more inclined to wait for his missus to go to bed & then channel hop before maybe ringing a Nightshow,only finding to his disappointment that it wasn't a Nightshow at all.annoyed

What an absolute tool this punter has been for not bothering to search the babes Twitter to check what type of show he was about to call when all he had on his mind was the how the babe on-screen was going to help him get rid of his raging hard-on when it's getting close to midnight.Huh

Next you'll be telling us that once it's past midnight then it's the next day so it must still be Daytime. Rolleyes


Muchi-wa shifuku dearu

...And Justice For All - Metallica
06-03-2015 23:55
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RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
(06-03-2015 23:55 )Boomerangutangangbang Wrote:  That's enough to confuse any right-minded person,let alone the horny pissed up callers.

So you're holding the channel to account because the potential callers might be too incoherently drunk to tell the difference?
Arguments against 'not seeing tits' have reached a new all-time low.
07-03-2015 00:47
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #5
RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
(06-03-2015 23:55 )Boomerangutangangbang Wrote:  Pissed off that Rammy continues to defend the undefendable.

I have called the shows boomer. not as often as some forum members on here but i have called them. not true i haven't called the shows

your post here is an example of what pisses me off on the forum, where forum members twist what im saying to suit their argument as im not defending the undefendable at all, just posting my opinion.

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
07-03-2015 00:56
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Bandwagon Away
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Post: #6
RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
I agree with Boomer.
Not so much as a dig at Rammy, but definitely the antics of S66. I've always felt that many of the unsuspecting callers will/have fallen fowl of this little trick. Like Boomer says, it's easy for us to know the script with our eyes wide open, but how many not so regular callers don't?
It's obvious how good S66's day-time roster is with some of the girls they feature, they're using that strength to reel-in the night calls with daytime crap.

So, as for using this 'Extended Day Show' logo; let's just stop and think how that may be interrupted by some?
Could it be read as "this is a day show that has been extended because this particular girl is on the cusp of revealing her tits"? ie, phone up now and get this day girls tits out.
It doesn't necessarily have to be interrupted in the fashion that 'us in the know' would receive it.

And secondly, as for the tweets etc, many won't look into that, and for those that semi take notice it could be seen as a challenge Rolleyes let's face it, the clock's hits 10 and the tits are permitted, so how many callers have fancied their chances?

The worst scenario is we're all wrong, and people do know the score and are indeed happy Rolleyes

Either way, I think it makes a mockery of the whole night time scene and I sincerely hope it isn't the beginning of a new trend that others will adopt.

And as a final note: I'm actually happy to not even care anymore Big Grin I spend more time writing shit on here than I do watching the shows just recently - there's a clue Big Laugh
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2015 10:13 by Bandwagon.)
07-03-2015 01:11
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Boomerangutangangbang Offline
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Post: #7
RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
(07-03-2015 00:47 )Name Change Wrote:  
(06-03-2015 23:55 )Boomerangutangangbang Wrote:  That's enough to confuse any right-minded person,let alone the horny pissed up callers.

So you're holding the channel to account because the potential callers might be too incoherently drunk to tell the difference?
Arguments against 'not seeing tits' have reached a new all-time low.

By pulling one sentence out of my post,is quoting me out of context.I'll let you off.

New callers wont know the difference between a Daytime & Nightshow number,drunk or sober.

I don't have a big issue with no tits out despite Abbey's nipple getting a good airing on a recent Dayshow.I find the lack of phone sex on offer more of an issue.The only nod in the direction of a Nightshow is the stocking,even then other babes seen to get away with wearing them on other channels during the day.

I believe one of the reasons given for the extended Dayshows was the some people didn't have a chance to call the daytime babes because they were at work.

Will Studio 66 offer extended Nightshows for Nightshift workers that are unable to call during the night.

I smell bullshit.


Muchi-wa shifuku dearu

...And Justice For All - Metallica
07-03-2015 01:12
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #8
RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
(07-03-2015 01:11 )Bandwagon Wrote:  I agree with Boomer.
Not so much as a dig at Rammy, but definitely the antics of S66. I've always felt that many of the unsuspecting callers will/have fallen fowl of this little trick. Like Boomer says, it's easy for us to know the script with our eyes wide open, but how many not so regular callers don't?
It's obvious how good S66's day-time roster is with some of the girls they feature, they're using that strength to reel-in the night calls with day-time crap.

So, as for using this 'Extended Day-Show' logo; let's just stop and think how that may be interrupted by some?
Could it be read as "this is a day show that has been extended because this particular girl is on the cusp of revealing her tits"? ie, phone up now and get this day girls tits out.
It doesn't necessarily have to be interrupted in the fashion that 'us in the know' would receive it.

And secondly, as for the tweets etc, many won't look into that, and for those that semi take notice it could be seen as a challenge Rolleyes let's face it, the clock's hits 10 and the tits are permitted, so how many callers have fancied their chances?

The worst scenario is we're all wrong, and people do know the score and are indeed happy Rolleyes

Either way, I think it makes a mockery of the whole night time scene and I sincerely hope it isn't the beginning of a new trend that others will adopt.

And as a final note: I'm actually happy to not even care anymore Big Grin I spend more time writing shit on here than I do watching the shows nowadays - there's a clue Big Laugh

fknow your not having a dig, like me your just posting your opinion. think if the other channels were to follow/adopt s66 with this "extended dayshow", they would have done so by now. if they do, then they think it will make them money and will stop if it doesn't make them money. after all the babeshows have to make money

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
07-03-2015 01:29
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Boomerangutangangbang Offline
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Post: #9
RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
I glad to here that you have called the show Rammy,my mistake & with all your knowledge you would know if you were going to get a Daytime call or a Nightshow call,many others would not.

I've stated a fact regarding the phone numbers,I'm right in this case & your not.

A straight forward case of deception,end of story.

Stop crying,face facts,I aint twisting anything or arguing.It's not my fault that you haven't understood my post.

My post pisses you off,grow up,I'm having my say just like you.You better not be trying to bully me into not posting,cos that's what it looks like.

I've had some time away from the Forum cos I was sick of my own voice,but now I'm back,you should try it.


Muchi-wa shifuku dearu

...And Justice For All - Metallica
07-03-2015 01:38
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #10
RE: The "Pissed Off" Thread
I'm not bullying you into not posting, where the hell have you got that from. I just said Im pissed off at forum members twisting what I'm saying to suit their argument. As for you're right and I'm not regarding phone numbers, didn't know your judge and jury on this forum m'lud Smile and no your not the forum police saying what is right and what is wrong. Everyone has their own opinion which they think is right and it's not up to certain forum members what is right and what is wrong

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
07-03-2015 06:59
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