1080p? on an xbox? yeah when you watch a movie.
the most the xbox can throw out for a game is 720p (59-60hz)or 1080i (29-30hz) and even then it's likely to be upscaled...
bfbc2 is a 720p native title that can be upscaled to 1080i on console
on pc it can run at native rez of your monitor or tv as long as you have a gfx card that can handle it. me i play at 1080p 1920/1080@60hz max settings 4xfsaa
you want true hi-def gaming you have to play on pc. i know the xbots will go blah blah blah but seriously you have not played any game at 1080p because that hardware is physicaly incapable of producing 60fps at 60hz @1920/1080
check out the link b4 you start shouting that i dont know what im talking about...
as for forking out to play games well thats not necessarily true. if you want the latest gfx that are 2 gens beyond ps3 or xbox then yeah you have to pay, but the games will look way way better than on the console higher rez deeper shadows, better sound.
if you just want to play games on a comparable gfx basis then you can play on a pc for less than £300.(amd dulacore 6000+x2, motherboard, ram, 98gt, dvd, hdd,case, mouse,keyboard). the super elite cost roughly that (£250)as does the ps3, but the games are cheaper on pc by an average of 10 pounds so 5 games in you have your money back then theres the ability to upgrade if you want.
why am i contradicting every thing that has been posted? because i have played the same games on all 3 platforms and can honestly say difference between the consoles is negligible but on pc its marked, you pay for what you get. you want cheap gaming you can choose 3 platforms, if you want the best gfx and sound then you only have 1 option and you will have to pay for it... PC...
oh and just so you know im being totaly a smug git. my gfx card cost more than the 360 or ps3 with 2 games...