Army Of Blue
Posts: 3,390
Joined: Jun 2009
Here's An Idea
Why don't a few of you members take stock of things and try to offer constructive criticism instead of posting your opinions in what I consider an unsavoury manor "this channel has no chance" or "you don't do it right, I expect you will be closing down soon" do you really think this helps the channel achieve its goals!
This Channel is still finding its feet and we have to tolerate that there will be mistakes made as even the most established channels still make a few, just back off and show them some support for trying to bring us something fresh and new to watch and I for one appreciate the efforts 960 is putting in.
99.9% of us members have no f**king idea of how difficult it must be to get a channel up and running let alone all the cost that is involved, and yet a few of you think it should be as good as its competitors already, every channel started somewhere I have heard people mention how raw some of the other channels were when they first started and look at them now, everything needs time, I think too many people forget that in the want it all in an instant mentality that society has nowadays!
As I pointed out criticism can be constructive without being insulting, but equally, positive opinions can only help make it a better channel for us all! Be helpful don't hinder, make your points without being insulting or hurtful!
Just remember the people running these channels are human and humans do make mistakes even more so when they feel under pressure or their efforts are just being criticised by a few members who want instant perfection, if you have never made a mistake the please feel free to continue to post your unhelpful crap, if you have ever made a mistake then do us all a favour, take a moment and just reflect on what you are about to post, for it is you who will look the idiot at the end of the day!
(This post was last modified: 22-09-2009 12:36 by Bluearmy71.)
22-09-2009 11:16 |
Junior Poster
Posts: 99
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Reputation: 5
RE: Here's An Idea
(22-09-2009 11:16 )Bluearmy71 Wrote: Why don't a few of you members take stock of things and try to offer constructive criticism instead of posting your opinions in what I consider an unsavoury manor "this channel has no chance" or "you don't do it right, I expect you will be closing down soon" do you really think this helps the channel achieve its goals!
This Channel is still finding its feet and we have to tolerate that there will be mistakes made as even the most established channels still make a few, just back off and show them some support for trying to bring us something fresh and new to watch and I for one appreciate the efforts 960 is putting in.
99.9% of us members have no f**king idea of how difficult it must be to get a channel up and running let alone all the cost that is involved, and yet a few of you think it should be as good as its competitors already, every channel started somewhere I have heard people mention how raw some of the other channels were when they first started and look at them now, everything needs time, I think too many people forget that in the want it all in an instant mentality that society has nowadays!
As I pointed out criticism can be constructive without being insulting, but equally, positive opinions can only help make it a better channel for us all! Be helpful don't hinder, make your points without being insulting or hurtful!
Just remember the people running these channels are human and humans do make mistakes even more so when they feel under pressure or their efforts are just being criticised by a few members who want instant perfection, if you have never made a mistake the please feel free to continue to post your unhelpful crap, if you have ever made a mistake then do us all a favour, take a moment and just reflect on what you are about to post, for it is you who will look the idiot at the end of the day!
hey i know rome not built in a day but what the point in giving them helpfull comments when they ignore you??? and never bother to reply to anybody or to inform any one to what going on. take yesterday no daytime show again just the loop. today loop no show at 12 then a text saying eden black on 1.30 ,,,1.30 no show but text now say she on at 2.30....2.30 no show but text say she on at 3.00 ....please come on 5 weeks they been going and they still can not sort out 1 single girl to do a show,,,,really unless u have shares in them i not see why u r so surportive of them when they refuse to answer questions, 1 girl i not name her said to me in a pvt message she was embrassed by the channel not being able to answer questions and get girls to work for them, if they could be bothered to answer peoples questions then people may give a dam, till then i should expect to be able to take the comments given to them good or bad. web site answers would be nice like when it going to be live streamin and if the girls like amy and kylie were ever going to be used on live shows or they just used as bait.
(This post was last modified: 22-09-2009 14:13 by supergibbo.)
22-09-2009 14:11 |
Army Of Blue
Posts: 3,390
Joined: Jun 2009
RE: Here's An Idea
The whole point being, slating them will do no good, maybe they are too rushed off their feet to answer your questions and its my experience that how you phrase a question will more than likely get it answered, and as for girls being embarrassed about questions not being answered that's a little hypocritical when you consider 90% of the girls well their only interaction on the forum is self promotion, there are very few who say thanks and even fewer that say thanks and actually mean it, I have had a pm from a girl who really wanted to make a go of it, I suppose its just down to the attitude of the individual!
As for me being an investor because I want something to do well I shall leave that up to you to decide, but I suppose its beyond the realms of possibility that I just want to see a channel doing well, the better it does the more new models we get to see, the more models there are the more chance of slips another point to being suportive is that we as viewers can get our views across as to what we wish to see (obv with in the limits of those bastards Ofcom) for example I wrote I thought their on screen graphics were about the best on any channel at the moment, cuz its not taking up half the screen like most of the all the other channels who never listen to that grumble, to 960's credit they added a mobile number but took into account that we as viewers didnt want it sprawled all over, spoiling the view of the model and any slips that may happen, if our positive opinions can keep getting a channel that we are happy to watch cuz its pleasing on the eye then I am all for that, all negative comments will do is turn them like all the other channels and the will just say fuck ya we will do what we want!
As for Kylie and Amy maybe they were going to be on the show and then changed their minds, I dont see them on any other channels so maybe thay had a better offer on photo shoots or just decided they couldnt be arsed to do more tv work, there are loads of reasons for them not being on so its unfair to point the finger of blame at Admin live 960, maybe they agreed in prnciple and then let admin and us all down, where are they on the forum, not saying they have to justify themselves but they could both answer your questions about why they are not on 960, I think its a good job to get the tv station up and running before going full on with the web site, web streams are shit quality anyway.
As you rightly mentioned today's timings were crazy but again put it to you why is that admins 960's fault, i have no idea where Eden lives but there could have been an accident somewhere that caused a delay, there are so many things you cant foresee that could be the reason for the show not appearing on time, the model herself may have just got up late, so again to point fingers is unfair!
I agree you need both good and bad opinions that is the only way things can develop, both good and bad opinions should be constructive, and if our opinions really are being taken on board (and i believe they are) lets use them wisely so 960 will deliver the things we all wish to see and keep the show viewer friendly!
"If anyone reads all of that, then bless ya"
(This post was last modified: 22-09-2009 15:33 by Bluearmy71.)
22-09-2009 15:31 |
Posts: 1
Joined: Sep 2009
Reputation: 0
RE: Introducing Live 960
My comments about this embarrassment of a channel have been deleted within ten minutes. What kind of a place is this? Are the moderators here in cahoots with the owners of 960?
Why not repost them, mods?
22-09-2009 21:12 |
vostok 1
Twitter Troll
Posts: 1,613
Joined: Nov 2008
RE: Introducing Live 960
My suggestion to Channel 960 would be to hire Tara Lee and utilise her experience behind the camera.
Seven years of experience in hiring, training and moulding new talent at the 900 channels premier station would be invaluable.
Tara was at BabeStation when it was nothing more than a webcam and a bed and has been there during its rise to multiple channel broadcasting and PLC status.
She has to be a fountain of knowledge in all things Babe Show. CellCast may have considered her surplus to requirements but I believe that she could provide very useful skills to get 960 delivering some consistency.
(This post was last modified: 24-09-2009 00:56 by vostok 1.)
24-09-2009 00:54 |