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Lazzzzzzy capppppers

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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #11
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
These cappers will know who they are when they get refused membership of 'The Cappers Union'. Big Grin
05-06-2013 16:46
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Cpe Away
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Post: #12
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
(05-06-2013 16:46 )Charlemagne Wrote:  These cappers will know who they are when they get refused membership of 'The Cappers Union'. Big Grin

Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Rapidly becoming more & more disillusioned
05-06-2013 16:48
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
yeah feel its a bit of a shame if we start to feel we have to have a go at people for at least trying to cap i know it can be a problem.

i mean zx i could complain about the fact you use Deposit files for your videoclips instead of the one Dt and Quiquems or google drive I use but i wouldnt because I know how much trouble it is to do recordings and converting as well as remembering when the 8 weeks is up so you can post the RLC playboy tv chat ones

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05-06-2013 17:30
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Paulie69 Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
Every capper does so on here to the best of their ability. I for one, appreciate the time and effort put in, and personally i think the forum would be a much duller place without them.
05-06-2013 17:46
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #15
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
At the moment I cap straight from the live stream, I also try my best to get the best possible image.

Once I have copied the image and then pasted it and if the end result is something I'm not happy with then I will quickly destroy the image and start again.

What I look for in a good cap - Model has both eyes open, model is in focus and I try my best to capture them with their best facial expression. Although Lori isn't exactly easy when trying to achieve this if you get my drift.

Caps I try to avoid - Model has blinked, model has moved and the image is blurred and out of focus, model is not properly posed, or the head has moved out of shot, headless shots are not what I look for.

Also it's worth pointing out that the style of everybodys caps can also be down purely to personal preference. I would however advice that the correct ratio is always used.

This is the one I'd recommend for most and I find in general it produces the best image, not too small, yet not too big either.

[Image: ratio.jpg]

I do however appreciate all the hard work that all the cappers put into this forum and also agree that this forum would be a much duller place without them as it's an important part of this place to document the shows especially if you've not been able to watch them.

Currently I only cap but hopefully in the not too near distant future I'll be video making soon, although I make no promises.

Also just to echoe Skully's sentiments, helpful advice goes a long way on this forum, people efforts should always be applauded. Encouragement is the best way forward as far as I'm concerned, remember you have to learn to walk before you're able to run Important
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2013 18:28 by Scottishbloke.)
05-06-2013 18:20
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skully Offline

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Post: #16
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
I started off capping the streams, then moved onto recording the channels and making caps from my recordings, then started editing my videos and finally improving the quality. Josh was the member who helped me in getting the most out of the recordings I had. In turn I've helped a few people out using what I learned from him, plus a few bits and bobs I picked up along the way.

Team work...USA...wait, what...


Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
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05-06-2013 18:40
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Cpe Away
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Post: #17
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
Well said Scottishbloke, that is exactly my point. I would encourage everyone to have a go at capping, it can be very rewarding, but take pride in your work. Think, would the babe/model herself be pleased with the cap? If not then try again.

I'm the first to admit I'm not the best capper around but I keep striving for that one outstanding or unique cap/photo. What I don't do (in my opinion) is post a load of hurried caps which anyone with half an eye can see is utter crap.

I'd say get capping and if you already are, then look carefully before you decide to post.

Rapidly becoming more & more disillusioned
05-06-2013 19:30
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mysterion Offline
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Post: #18
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
(05-06-2013 11:24 )zxccxz30 Wrote:  I think that I might have been slacking on giving rep so from now on I'll be rewarding laziness with neg rep.

But any capper is not as lazy as non-cappers!
05-06-2013 19:56
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mrmann Offline
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Post: #19
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
Not everyone CAN cap though.

The worst are the lazy crappers! They just wait and wait until they actually can't go to the bathroom, and constipation sets in Rolleyes
05-06-2013 23:19
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zxccxz30 Offline
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Post: #20
RE: Lazzzzzzy capppppers
skully Wrote:Capping is something that can take a while to get the hang of, so the members that aren't as tech savvy will find it tough at first, but my best advice, is to look at how the more experienced posters do it and follow their example

The thing is that I see this problem in posts of ppl with over 1k posts. Are they inexperienced too?

(05-06-2013 15:27 )bigguy01 Wrote:  here is my most recent set, 25 caps of fernanda.

See that's what I'm talking about. Too much of almost the same looking frame. I would save 8 of that 25. A lot less scrolling.

No more videos (ever again?). No Reuploads.
05-06-2013 23:24
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