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Full Version: Rebecca Jade - Non babeshow pics and vids
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This is what Rebecca's up to nowBig Grin

[Image: image-6AA6_58C9480D.jpg]
[Image: image-3E83_58F0F1EB.jpg]
She's on her way to London town.

[Image: image-9C67_58FB59EC.jpg]

Keep your eyes open for her in tomorrows marathan
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[Image: image-33D7_592EEAF6.jpg]

Different outfits- same pause Big Grin
Ninja Big Grin

[Image: image-61F8_593E8791.jpg]
[Image: image-670B_594A55B3.jpg]
She's completed the auditions and will hear next week if she's sucessful at getting through to the next selection
[Image: image-4F7F_594AA03A.jpg]
I hope she makes it through she deserves to
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