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Why people seem to send pics of themselves into these stations and you know the kinda pics i mean, do people seem to think that by sending in rude pics of themselves that there really gonna pull the presenter. I think they really need to wake up and smell the coffee.
I bet the laptop isn't even switch on!
I've noticed this on more than one of the stations.

I've never understood the point either.

Maybe they are foolish enough to believe that the girls really want to see pictures like that, lol.
Totally agree can't see the point in them doing, like there really intrested lol
You could also say, for some blokes,what is the point of ringing them?!
Now most fellas, just ring to have a swifty off the wrist,but judging by some of the girls comments when mentioning callers ,some do think theyt have half a chance of pulling the girl.Quite amusing really
Thats the part i find funny when they really seem to think they have any chance in pulling them lol
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