(05-04-2016 21:47 )tee Wrote: [ -> ]Always preferred Dani over kylie
Then it's a damn shame you can't even spell her name then... Isn't it??
Dannii...! NOT Dani.
(06-04-2016 08:42 )MeTarzan Wrote: [ -> ]So you prefer the one with zero talent then...
(05-04-2016 21:47 )tee Wrote: [ -> ]Always preferred Dani over kylie
How can you say that?? You clearly know nothing about Dannii or her successful dance music career? Not to mention her fashion lines; the current brand ambassador for Target Australia, not to even mention Emirates Airways..!!! Check out her wiki page or discography etc; then come back and try make the same claim! Moron
Take a chill pill it was typo error. You can have more talent and still not be successful. But danni had a decent career.
I just wish people would spell her damn name correctly once in a while....
D - A - N - N - I - I ! (2 n's & 2 i's)
(09-05-2016 20:49 )kelly1066 Wrote: [ -> ]I just wish people would spell her damn name correctly once in a while....
D - A - N - N - I - I ! (2 n's & 2 i's)
If you wish to concentrate on spelling mistakes and grammar and punctuation, then you should know that ellipsis is only 3 ... long not 4.
What the bloody heck has ellipsis gotta do with spelling someone's name correctly out of respect?
(11-05-2016 03:42 )kelly1066 Wrote: [ -> ]What the bloody heck has ellipsis gotta do with spelling someone's name correctly out of respect?
You make a fuss and get enraged by people spelling a celebrity's name incorrectly when you don't even know how to use grammar correctly. I'm furious with you, I'm so angry! I'm apoplectic!
See. Ridiculous isn't it?
Spelling someone's name correctly is just common decency; Elvis instead of Elviz, Madonna instead of Madona; etc; while you're just being a total asswipe!!
Grow up, or go find another forum to jerk off over your Beiber fantasies...!!