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Full Version: [split] Recording Webstreams : Onscreen Or From Source
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(31-12-2015 10:31 )HEX!T Wrote: [ -> ]its not only happening with s66 channels from what i can see and has been happening for about 2 weeks since s66 started actively limiting recording of there webcams.

guess who hasn't experienced any issues Wink

they aren't limiting the amount of people that can record their awful webcam shows, they have simply moved to one server and require a vuecall account number, very easy for the non-amateurs to get around. they have done this to monitor who is recording their cam streams, not to stop anyone. for anyone who actually still records their webcams and are using a VPN then they obviously won't know who you are, but they will have your vuecall registered email address, but even that is possible to get around. oh well, i look forward to the noobs and self righteous getting annoyed again Big Grin
(01-01-2016 22:49 )sting Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-01-2016 17:32 )munch1917 Wrote: [ -> ]Most Deluded Self-important Prick of the Year (quite impressive in just 3 months membership)

nearly 4 years actually m8

Really.... is that so...

[Image: image-16D8_56870742.jpg]

What does that say... Joined Oct 2015...
either you can't count or you opened a new account because everyone though you was a cunt with your old account....

(01-01-2016 17:32 )munch1917 Wrote: [ -> ]what was the second one?

best vid poster 2014, quite a difficult award to win i'm sure you'll agree Cool

Difficult award to win...
Big LaughBig LaughBig LaughBounceBounceBounceBig LaughBig LaughBig Laugh

(01-01-2016 22:56 )sting Wrote: [ -> ]
(31-12-2015 10:31 )HEX!T Wrote: [ -> ]its not only happening with s66 channels from what i can see and has been happening for about 2 weeks since s66 started actively limiting recording of there webcams.

guess who hasn't experienced any issues Wink

they aren't limiting the amount of people that can record their awful webcam shows, they have simply moved to one server and require a vuecall account number, very easy for the non-amateurs to get around. they have done this to monitor who is recording their cam streams, not to stop anyone. for anyone who actually still records their webcams and are using a VPN then they obviously won't know who you are, but they will have your vuecall registered email address, but even that is possible to get around. oh well, i look forward to the noobs and self righteous getting annoyed again Big Grin

yep... thought it might stay quiet and back on point in this thread.. but no your back with another dumb arse comment...
hi andy, hope all is well. why are you typing in bold? i can read you know, i'm not hexshit...
2014 vid poster went to the now banned DON tingly.
if he's banned and your him... oh! my... Bounce
hahaha taking a pop at my dyslexia. wow really?
and name calling... Bounce

how old are you 14?.

@andy, let it go mate. he's obviously trolling and has some unresolved issue with me from 1 of his previous forum incarnations...
fuck knows what it is, but if he cant let it go, let him cling to it as it seems to give him comfort.
guys like him implode eventually, they get banned, claim bias from the mods. then turn up 6 months later with a new ip ready to start all over again.

my guess is he's alone at xmas and wants some attention. if thats the case the guy has my condolences and i wish him a happy new year and i hope things are better for him this comming 1*. Tongue .

*said with a straight face and without a hint of sarcasm!.
(01-01-2016 23:30 )HEX!T Wrote: [ -> ]hahaha taking a pop at my dyslexia. wow really?

dyslexic or thick as turd? if you can read this then you know which one you are Tongue

(01-01-2016 23:30 )HEX!T Wrote: [ -> ]how old are you 14?.

there shouldn't have been a full stop after that question mark, i'm not perfect either so i forgive you Heart
(01-01-2016 23:30 )HEX!T Wrote: [ -> ]2014 vid poster went to the now banned DON tingly.
if he's banned and your him... oh! my... Bounce
hahaha taking a pop at my dyslexia. wow really?
and name calling... Bounce

how old are you 14?.

@andy, mate let it go mate. he's obviously trolling and has some unresolved issue with me from a previous forum incarnation...
fuck knows what it is, but if he cant let it go, let him cling to it as it seems to give him comfort.
guys like him implode eventually, they get banned, claim bias from the mods. then turn up 6 months later with a new ip ready to start all over again.

if you notice it started right around xmas eve. my guess is he's alone and wants some attention, if thats the case the guy has my condolences and i wish him a happy new year and i hope things are better for him this comming 1*. Tongue .

*said with a straight face and without a hint of sarcasm!.

Shame... was enjoying myself...

But Sting... you are shit at trolling....
(25-03-2015 13:29 )HEX!T Wrote: [ -> ]any of you guys having problems with the rtmpdumping? my bat files just wont connect but it doesnt look like they have changed any url's

hi mate, i found a fix for this, it's: "you don't know what you're doing"

hope that helps mate.
(05-06-2015 21:19 )andyxm715 Wrote: [ -> ]had to take a screenshot due for some reason rampants address was replaced with

lol'ing at this, you are the gift that keeps on giving andy m8, never change
one last troll for old time's sake, unfortunately the best this forum could do was an illiterate and an amateur, i'll let you both decide who is who lol.
(02-01-2016 00:14 )sting Wrote: [ -> ]
(25-03-2015 13:29 )HEX!T Wrote: [ -> ]any of you guys having problems with the rtmpdumping? my bat files just wont connect but it doesnt look like they have changed any url's

hi mate, i found a fix for this, it's: "you don't know what you're doing"

hope that helps mate.
25-03-2015 13:29
9 months ago... wow you had to go back some to find that...
that was the day i leaned about -q parameter on rtmpdump.Blush

keep digging, you'll find more. like i said i never claimed to be expert. that was you.Rolleyes
but hey
i was discussing it with others, this turned into solutions. and because of it, other people asked for help Surprised.
they musta been happy with it, coz they kept coming back.
end result i gained a reputation for helping people... my bad Bounce

seriously whats the fucking problem laugh.

i stopped supporting rtmpdump a few months back, because i didn have a permanent host for the bat file list. Rolleyes
that and random guys kept pm'ing asking for s66 cams and bs naughty chat cams. bladewave

its why i made my vlc topic.Rolleyes (yes that again)
guys could use it, instead of rtmpdump. Smile if they wanted.

with vlc for the users.
theres much less to learn, on an app most already have.
no need to maintain a huge list of bat files.
easy to use with its 1 click interface.

for me.
no more having to answer the same questions week after week in my inbox.bladewave
with the added bonus of being less time consuming.Big Grin

winners all round, me-thinks...laugh

oh check it out. the first link in my list uses.....eek
tadddaaaa.... Surprised

(^^shamless plug for my vlc list Wink )

Big Grin
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