admin, have you any idea why Cellcast suddenly decided to stop all hype, promotion and advertisement of this "new and exiting" ( show (Babestations definition) 3 or 4 day's before it actually launched ?, and never promoted or advertised it anywhere that i could see when it did launch, were is the sense in that ?, i would have thought Cellcast would have gone all out to advertise and promote this show right up to the launch and beyond, and not dropped all promotion a few days before it launched .
I didn't know they did any hype, promotion and advertising, apart from a few tweets, and they couldn't have stopped tweeting 3 or 4 days before the launch date because nobody knew when the launch date was until the day it actually did launch. In any event they have limited staff numbers these days and have very little time available for hype, promotion and advertising. In different circumstances they could have done more.
I think you will find BS made a hell of a lot more than a few tweets hyping/advertising/promoting the new exiting show or whatever you want to call it, you ask my best mate Rammy, he will back me up on this lol .
Also i didn't say in my 2 above posts that BS stopped this promotion 3 or 4 days before the launch date, i said they stopped 3 or 4 days before it actually launched, which is not the same thing .
I have to express surprise that the reason for the 'cut' was lack of calls.
Remember my post with the quote from the supplier that they were still 'deciding'. But then I should know better by now and take anything they say (ETV that is) with a large pinch of salt.
But do Cellcast regard night-time calls somewhat different to day-time ? Considering that the Latinas' service attracts very few calls and that that has lasted much more than 6 days. But I suppose that even very few calls is more than zero

I think they just stopped because they moved on to something else instead. Didn't they start tweeting about the Babestation Oskars at that time? Much more interesting.
I think it's a mistake to keep looking for mysteries, even if your name is mr mystery.
Yes they did start start tweeting about the Oskars, i was the one that first gave the voting link on this forum after reading their tweet .
If they dropped the promotion of a brand new show 2 or 3 days before it launched and gave priority to promoting the Oskars instead. then i would suggest BS may have got their priority's wrong lol
PS, i still think there is more to it than meets the eye lol .
(25-02-2015 18:48 )DB83 Wrote: [ -> ]I have to express surprise that the reason for the 'cut' was lack of calls.
I was surprised when they cut Starlets Of Babestation from the same channel, when it hadn't been on that long. I could never understand why they thought Euro Babes would be more successful. The fact that it was only on for 6 days seems to indicate that it wasn't.
(25-02-2015 19:02 )mr mystery Wrote: [ -> ]PS, i still think their is more to it than meets the eye lol .
That's normal in this forum!
Many here refuse to believe that decisions are ever based on call stats.
Some even believe that call stats don't exist and are entirely mythical.
As humans it's our job to be curious

If everybody just listened to Admiral Decker & Co then where would the fun be?

(25-02-2015 18:48 )DB83 Wrote: [ -> ]I have to express surprise that the reason for the 'cut' was lack of calls.
Remember my post with the quote from the supplier that they were still 'deciding'. But then I should know better by now and take anything they say (ETV that is) with a large pinch of salt.
Well i'm not really surprised there was a lack of calls, nothing Cellcast put on this channel seems to be a success, i'm a bit surprised Cellcast a experienced broadcaster did it in the first place, but i suppose you don't really know until you try something .
As for what ETV have been saying about it, they made it look like it was their decision to leave Sky, and like you say were still "deciding" .
I'm guessing what admin has posted will eventually get back to them lol, so they won't be able to post that stuff again, or will they ?
PS, i also tend to take what Cellcast say with a pinch of salt, so they are in good company with ETV, that goes for the other channels has well, i also for certain posts tend to take what admin say's with a pinch of salt, not that i think he is deliberately telling lies, or deliberately trying to mislead people, but on occasions admin posts what the channels tell him, so there is no guarantee that the channels aren't being economical with the truth in what they tell him .