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hi guys

im on 14th tuesday , thursday and saturday this week
thanks juliet. your the only reason i watch the night shows on this channel
Looking forward to it. Got anything exciting lined up for us? Oil, rubber gloves, mankinis?? Wink
Thx for letting us know Julie

Charlie & you are the only reason i ring & watch chat back Smile. When ever there's 2 girls working at night would you ask the cam guy to lower the cam on 962 cause the screen caps/numbers blocks the view.

thanks for letting us are the only one i really watch on the phone channels. you are by far the best & most dareing performer of all the girls, just how it should be...keeping your performance fresh & new all the time...just hope they dont stop you doing what you do best...entertaining all of us

keep up the amazing work juliet & thanks again for letting us all know when you are on....roll on tuesday....i cant wait Smile
thanks juliet looking forward to the show, please keep those thongs small!!
i have been watching since 10 & no sign of juliet...shame as i was looking forward to seeing her....with a bit of luck she will be on tomorrow night instead

Carmel had to cover me last nite and it was her first nite at chat back
Iv been unwell
so tomor thursday ill be back on channel Smile

Hi Juliet sorry to here you've been unwell, but so glad that your back tomorrow your probably the best thing on tv a the moment cant wait. x
thanks again for the info juliet, hope your feeling better now...looking forward to seeing you thursday
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