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Full Version: Gianna Rae (Sarah) - Chat, Caps & Vids
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A few caps from Sarah's show....

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Wow! First new girl to grab my attention in a Loooong time. Get her in Kate Darcy's old outfits in the office, she would be perfect.
I am going mad, no wonder i am a fan, pretty sure Sarah is
A few pics ..... A 'Rae of sunshine'

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Beautiful..... Great debut..... Third outfit of the day and everyone's a winner !

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That really is how to make an immediate sexy impression!

Sarah's impeccable body is quite simply a revelation her choice of sexy outfits have really put those gorgeous pins, heavenly cleavage, and her blistering beauty into the sexual spotlight superbly.

Truly scrumptious! Tongue Cheers for the caps/pics, thefred, Ram. Smile
Tease hour tonight

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Thank you for the caps and the glamour photos
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