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Full Version: Welcome to the Shebang TV Football League 2013/14
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Welcome to the UK Babe Channels fantasy football league for the forthcoming season 2013/14. To take part all you need to do is select your team at:

When you have chosen your team (or your 15 man squad to be exact), click on Leagues, then Join a league and then Private league and then enter this code: 365682-94634
New sponsor for the new season! We are pleased to announce that this season's UK Babe Channels fantasy football league is sponsored by Shebang TV and the sponsor is offering the following prizes:

Manager of the Month - - a month’s Shebang TV membership
Runner-Up each month - - a week’s Shebang TV membership
3rd place each month - - free show
4th place each month - - free show
5th place each month - - free show

League Champion - - a year’s Shebang TV membership
Season's Runner-Up - - 6 months Shebang TV membership
Season's 3rd Place - - 3 months Shebang TV membership
4th place - - free show
5th place - - free show
6th place - - free show
7th place - - free show
8th place - - free show
9th place - - free show
10th place - - free show

Thank you to Shebang TV for sponsoring the league 2013/14. The season kicks off on Saturday.
There's still time to register for the league before the season starts on Saturday. To take part all you need to do is select your team at:

When you have chosen your squad for the forthcoming season, click on Leagues, then Join a league and then Private league and then enter this code: 365682-94634
Good Luck All - let the season begin Smile
It's good to see that we're still getting registrations, so best of luck to all those who have joined so far, and for anyone who hasn't registered yet there's still time to join before the season kicks off. Please note that the name of the league is now Shebang TV but for the moment some people may still be seeing it shown as Fantasy Village.
Joined Smile thanks guys!
In recognition of the league's sponsor, the title of this thread has been changed to replace UK Babe Channels Football League with Shebang TV Football League. Smile Still a few hours left to register before the start of the season. If you played last year you should be automatically entered for this season, but if you're playing in the league for the first time you need to enter the league code 365682-94634 in order to join the league.
Pretty generous prizes, especially for the league champion it has to be said
For anyone who missed the start of the season the league is still open to join. Each month starts afresh for the manager of the month award, so you still have as much chance as anyone else of winning the monthly prizes.
[Image: image-2877_529147DF.jpg]

29th out of 3,066,552 players! eekshocked

take a bow son! Wink
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