I didnt know where to put it so if there's a better place for this thread feel free to move it Mods.
Ok, as you might have noticed I'm not a chatty guy but this matter has been bugging me for quite some time.
Poor caps quality.
I've stopped thanking for every single post with caps in it but obviously it didn't change anything so I've posted mini rant here:
I didn't expect any positive response but I surly didn't expect face slap with a ton of repetitive caps right under my request...
[Mod edit - comment removed by Skully, naming and shaming creates bad feeling among members]
So once again:
Please take more effort into your post than pressing start in your program that picks random caps from your recording and take your time to select the best ones.
BTW. I think that I might have been slacking on giving rep so from now on I'll be rewarding laziness with neg rep.
Have to say you are one of the best cappers and deserve full credit for your attention to detail.
All my later caps were done by watching the recording back once I'd edited it, it's time consuming but worth it. You never catch slips or funny caps if you do it randomly, plus they can look samey.
I will say this, we should never discourage anyone from having a go at making caps, I do agree that you should make an effort, but everyone has different capabilities. Our tech zone is littered with help and advice for recording and capping for those that need it.
As far as scrolling goes, we do ask members not to post images that are bigger than the forum page, just bigger isn't a real problem, but if you have to scroll and scroll, it becomes annoying. We would prefer that members use thumbnails for bulk cap uploads, most image hosts have that option, it looks better and makes threads easier to navigate. It's common sense really, if the cap is huuuge, and you can't see it all, it's too big to post. The caps up to 700x400 (approx) that are posted using TV Girls Gallery are fine, as they may be larger than some, but fit nicely within the forum page.
Capping is something that can take a while to get the hang of, so the members that aren't as tech savvy will find it tough at first, but my best advice, is to look at how the more experienced posters do it and follow their example, ask them for advice if you like what they post (most will be happy to help), use the threads in the tech zone, and ask in the help threads if you're struggling.
When I do cap i try to show what happened, like a flick book, in has fewer caps has possible but some of the ladies are more active than others so they require more caps. here is my most recent set, 25 caps of fernanda.
i agree with skully about using thumbnails for large posts. i only use large pics if it was for the funny babeshow caps thread.
I use screenchot captor to get the caps. it allows you to crop and paste the area of the screen which you want. i agree with skully (again) doing it manually allows you to see something that is funny (tiffany tate taylors facial expressions when she on early bird or the pad) or when one the ladies gets into contorted shape.
I also check to see if anyone has post caps similar to the ones I take before posting them. that is one thing do not like is post after post for the same type of cap.
I just seek through the recording with media player classic and save an image that I like the look of, I try keep mine to 6 caps per post if there's no video, and try make them as different to each other as possible, but even I'm not perfect, hard to believe I know.
If only Gaz "AV1" Aston was here, he was da man, multiple award winner, he could have shown us all how it's done!
I totally agree the comments... unless he's meaning me.

"We should name and shame those concerned"
I totally agree, although it still won't stop them from receiving multiple thanks from their f*****g fanboys.

(05-06-2013 16:12 )Cpe Wrote: [ -> ]"We should name and shame those concerned"
I totally agree, although it still won't stop them from receiving multiple thanks from their f*****g fanboys. 
If you agree then why didn't you "name and shame" them?
(05-06-2013 16:15 )D T Wrote: [ -> ] (05-06-2013 16:12 )Cpe Wrote: [ -> ]"We should name and shame those concerned"
I totally agree, although it still won't stop them from receiving multiple thanks from their f*****g fanboys. 
If you agree then why didn't you "name and shame" them?
Everyone can judge for themselves, it sure ain't too difficult.
Naming and shaming isn't very nice, if you don't like what somebody has posted you don't thank it and move on.
We (admin/mods) decide what can and can't be posted on the forum, if there is a problem with a post, we (admin/mods) will contact the member in question. 'Poor quality' caps are not something we have a problem with, not everyone is capable of making crystal clear caps, why should they not be allowed to contribute to the best of their ability? This is a forum, a little online community, instead of 'naming and shaming' or making somebody feel shit because they can't do something as well as others, send them a PM with a helpful suggestion for software or how to get the best of a stream recording etc, don't make them feel bad ffs.
Anyone caught abusing the rep system will be given a warning btw, it has been abused in the past and we won't tolerate it being abused again...so please be careful. Play nice and everything will be okay.