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i would love to see one where the girls get gunged and messy some foodplay or something
Less amanda or is that not a possibility? Seeing as i don't have a jimmy krankie fetish i can't watch shebang when she appears on it.
(12-04-2011 16:27 )drp Wrote: [ -> ]i would love to see one where the girls get gunged and messy some foodplay or something


We did a section of that with Lucy last night actually...... And the Amanda Rendall-- Kerry Louise show (part one) got very gungy (think thats how you spell it).....

However,,, Ive been wanting to do a 'Sploshing' night on the show,,, will be reminiscent of Saturday night tv of old Wink

Cool,,, give me a couple weeks i'll make sure it happens

(12-04-2011 16:54 )tsurugi Wrote: [ -> ]Less amanda or is that not a possibility? Seeing as i don't have a jimmy krankie fetish i can't watch shebang when she appears on it.

Awww i know,,,,, i would have prefered to do the whole chuckle brother fetish but unfortunately ******* wasnt available!!!

Oi stop being cheeky Mr. Tsurugi Tongue haha..... Amandas an amazing girl and the shows wouldnt be the same without her (by which i mean Shebang,,,, and the tv shows for the past 5 years)!!!,,,, that said, we realise that not everyone is everyones cup of tea (so to speak) so are ensuring we have a good mix of girls to hopefully interest most people...

Is there anyone in particular (within the realms of possibility) that you'd like us to try get our hands on???

(12-04-2011 17:01 )SheBang Tv Wrote: [ -> ]Aha....

We did a section of that with Lucy last night actually...... And the Amanda Rendall-- Kerry Louise show (part one) got very gungy (think thats how you spell it).....

However,,, Ive been wanting to do a 'Sploshing' night on the show,,, will be reminiscent of Saturday night tv of old Wink

Cool,,, give me a couple weeks i'll make sure it happens


wahey cant wait, gonna go chceck those out what you just mentioned too
Sensual Shower Show would be nice, or Alex and Lucy getting a nice hard cock - preferably mine.
(13-04-2011 19:50 )fucu2 Wrote: [ -> ]Sensual Shower Show would be nice, or Alex and Lucy getting a nice hard cock - preferably mine.

Haha very nice...... We do have a shower in the studio but unfortunately is blocked (long long story lol)--- is taking a while to sort but we will have that one day...

Talking of which,, we have a couple new sets coming into play soon which'll be a nice refresher from the bed..... And a very different show concept which will begin before the end of April (for an hour a night at weekends) which'll take us in a real different (but fucking great) direction xxxx
well wud be nice to see if u cud get camilla for a special Big Grin specially as amanda has good connections with her. uniform night and a bondage night again would be great. Sorry but leave amanda alone she is great and dirty as they come. do a scottish accent night eg get tilly amanda together. got more ideas if u wanna know love the show Big Grin
I would like to throw in this suggestion.A live show with a extra girl filming the action with a video camera,free to get in close and personal.Then the film she shoots being available to download after the show.Any chance Shebang?
More shows like the Alex & Nikita one would be good, perhaps Nikita could even return the favour and give Alex a "drink" next time
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