12-04-2011, 16:27
12-04-2011, 16:54
Less amanda or is that not a possibility? Seeing as i don't have a jimmy krankie fetish i can't watch shebang when she appears on it.
12-04-2011, 17:01
(12-04-2011 16:27 )drp Wrote: [ -> ]i would love to see one where the girls get gunged and messy some foodplay or something
We did a section of that with Lucy last night actually...... And the Amanda Rendall-- Kerry Louise show (part one) got very gungy (think thats how you spell it).....
However,,, Ive been wanting to do a 'Sploshing' night on the show,,, will be reminiscent of Saturday night tv of old

Cool,,, give me a couple weeks i'll make sure it happens
12-04-2011, 17:08
(12-04-2011 16:54 )tsurugi Wrote: [ -> ]Less amanda or is that not a possibility? Seeing as i don't have a jimmy krankie fetish i can't watch shebang when she appears on it.
Awww i know,,,,, i would have prefered to do the whole chuckle brother fetish but unfortunately ******* wasnt available!!!
Oi stop being cheeky Mr. Tsurugi

Is there anyone in particular (within the realms of possibility) that you'd like us to try get our hands on???
13-04-2011, 15:59
(12-04-2011 17:01 )SheBang Tv Wrote: [ -> ]Aha....
We did a section of that with Lucy last night actually...... And the Amanda Rendall-- Kerry Louise show (part one) got very gungy (think thats how you spell it).....
However,,, Ive been wanting to do a 'Sploshing' night on the show,,, will be reminiscent of Saturday night tv of old
Cool,,, give me a couple weeks i'll make sure it happens
wahey cant wait, gonna go chceck those out what you just mentioned too
13-04-2011, 19:50
Sensual Shower Show would be nice, or Alex and Lucy getting a nice hard cock - preferably mine.
15-04-2011, 22:44
(13-04-2011 19:50 )fucu2 Wrote: [ -> ]Sensual Shower Show would be nice, or Alex and Lucy getting a nice hard cock - preferably mine.
Haha very nice...... We do have a shower in the studio but unfortunately is blocked (long long story lol)--- is taking a while to sort but we will have that one day...
Talking of which,, we have a couple new sets coming into play soon which'll be a nice refresher from the bed..... And a very different show concept which will begin before the end of April (for an hour a night at weekends) which'll take us in a real different (but fucking great) direction xxxx
26-04-2011, 00:10
well wud be nice to see if u cud get camilla for a special
specially as amanda has good connections with her. uniform night and a bondage night again would be great. Sorry but leave amanda alone she is great and dirty as they come. do a scottish accent night eg get tilly amanda together. got more ideas if u wanna know love the show 

27-04-2011, 05:35
I would like to throw in this suggestion.A live show with a extra girl filming the action with a video camera,free to get in close and personal.Then the film she shoots being available to download after the show.Any chance Shebang?
27-04-2011, 20:18
More shows like the Alex & Nikita one would be good, perhaps Nikita could even return the favour and give Alex a "drink" next time