(20-02-2011 20:16 )cwpussylover Wrote: [ -> ]hi babes the other geezersill tell u im a perv, well i aint babe. any chance of a pic of your tits?
ha! A nude pic would be nice!!!

Seeing as Jess couldn't find any more pictures of
Magiory to share, I'll do the honours...
Did any of you guy PM
her him?
Hope you didn't write anything embarrassing, or even worse send pics

While we're on the subject, I have a confession to make before Skatey outs me too......I'm not really a swamp creature and my name isnt really Yoda, however I really am a jedi master(that part is true

). Sorry guys. I thought it'd be easier to make friends this way rather than just being plain old Dave

P.S Can I still be called Yoda though??
gave her/him a rep but no pm i promise! theres a games website called king.com what peoples prob heard of and theres men on there pretending to be women. this person was giving out their mobile number and blokes were texting him thinking she was a woman and she named and shamed them all by there usernames. cos there was pics of a women on his profile page they thought it was a women they was texting. the blokes got banned while he never, but personally i think he is a freak for making out he was a woman.
(20-02-2011 23:18 )Paulie69 Wrote: [ -> ]Very good detective work there, skateguy! I'm beginning to wonder just how many of these newbies are genuine 
Why, do you think most of them are women pretending to be men..

We should install full body scanners for all new members, 1) so we can tell if they're chicks or dudes and 2) it will give cwpussylover something extra to wank about

Cheers for the pics Skate.. we need this girl on Elite very sexy indeed