just 2 let you all know rebecca-jade will start on redlight and will be on monday 7th 1pm till 9pm
thanks god she is incredible and i'm day off work woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Guys.... really looking forward to my first daytime show on Redlight central! Fells like i have been gone forver even tho its only been just over a week!
Going to have to dig out all my sexi daytime wear
See you all soon
Rebecca Jade
Good news, look forward to it, will you be doing nights there as well?
Looking forward to seeing you again

Don't suppose you've got any wet look leggings you could wear? And if not, go buy some immediately

Hey... yes hopefully will be going back to nightts from next month, as the rota had already been done by the time i wa in touch with them.
Can't wait
Yes i do have ome leggins need to find a sexy top to wear with them .. and of course killer heels!
Really excited for monday guys
Don't forget 1pm till 9pm
x x x x
lol i can spell.. just my keypad sticks on here haha! x x x
Excellent, we shall all look forward to Monday then

Really cant wait to see you again, i have missed you so much.
i really hope you wear your wet look leggings with a pair of killer heels? it will be an awesome combo!
love you lots gorgeous and see you soon. x x x