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Full Version: [split] Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
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(10-11-2010 00:13 )2Bud Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-11-2010 00:07 )ilovejodie Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-11-2010 23:41 )chrislatimer Wrote: [ -> ]firstly this thread would be dead without mine and a few others point of view.

Now rrroger just because you ooze whiteknightatitude when it comes to the buckby. dont mean you can critique everyone who does not feel the same, your attempted polariasation of opinion is more of a failure then your attempts at being humourous .

the 10 percent rule you speak so dearly off (you qualify for this in at least 7 girls threads) only applys to complmentary worshipiriffic posts.

Thus i do not qualify.

as for lori i caught a lil of her show whilst hopping to tvx (i now have sky) and if it werent for the new OSG'S which signal shes on elite it would be like i entered a time warp to march of this year STILL THE SAME SHOW.

what a load of rubbish this thread would be a whole lot better without you almost every single post has been negative towards lori

You and a small number of small minded people tried to ruin this thread so please dont think this thread would be dead without you

there are plenty more channels you can watch now you have sky the best thing to do is learn the channels numbers just incase you end watching elite going to elite by mistake again lol what a load of rubbish

I disagree.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion.
Heres mine: Lori is not Elite.

Thats right everyone has right to there opinion but if i dont like a girl why would i post 33 times on there thread it makes no sense

Its like me and you going to watch everton every week it wouldnt happen if i dont like someone i dont give them my time

You made your point about lori and like its been said on this forum lori is like marmite you either love her or hate her.
the below is a list of every poster to of made more then 3 posts in this thread, just wanna prove a point

Rammyrascal 36 FAN
chrislatimer 32 NOT A FAN
Chilly 24 NOT A FAN
ilovejodie 24 FAN
simplymarko 10 NOT A FAN
mr mystery 7 NOT A FAN I THINK
Josh 7 FAN
MeTarzan 6 Not SURE
ledders69 5 FAN
Rise 5 FAN
tsurugi 4 NOT A FAN
kyadillah 4 UNSURE
mrmann 4 DONT KNOW
gazfc 4 DONT KNOW
bcl 4 FAN
gavlcfc10 4 DONT KNOW
astonv1 4 NOT A FAN

So ilovejodie we have 116 posts by known fans of lori
we have 85 posts by People who dont like lori

so taking away the 100 ish posts by 1 post and 2 post people and if you take away rammys posts as hes a cyborg of posting , its a pretty even split of like and dislike, so your point is mute.
My point is not mute there are more fans of lori your stats prove that but again i go back to you, you waste your time on doing stats on a girl you dont rate why bother

There are plenty girls i dont like on the babe channels but i dont go on there threads ripping them all the time

Your opinion does matter but anyone that reads the threads knows you dont like like or rate lori so why do you keep posting thats what i cant understand
ilovejodie go read my 30 + posts and you will notice 2 things my good man

1) not all my posts are slating lori buckby
2) most of my posts are replies and not originating posts.

i am entitled to post where the hell i want in this forum as long as my posts are within forum rules (and 99.99 percent of the ones in this thread have been) So no matter how many of you white knights keep rambling on about it i shall not be budging as my posts have been fair. And please note this thread is not about me, its meant to be about lori buckby is it not.

oh and if you run out of whiteknightatitude let me know i know a place you can get more.
With regard to the Stats why discount Posters with less than 3 posts ? Some people arent as 'vocal' as others,surely thier posts are as valid as anyone elses. Were the Posts in the Vids/Caps thread included as well ?
(10-11-2010 12:03 )mrwotzup Wrote: [ -> ]I thought Lori had a very good night. Smile Looked great as usual.

With regard to the Stats why discount Posters with less than 3 posts ? Some people arent as 'vocal' as others,surely thier posts are as valid as anyone elses. Were the Posts in the Vids/Caps thread included as well ?

i discarded them because they werent revelant to the point i was making . and no the caps thread werent included.

and as mr mystery said lori was overshadowed by rochelle last night in my humble opinion.
Just realised Chris is now only 1 post behind Rammy in this thread,
I think he's definitely changed sides; since the thread started he's gone from negative to neutral,
now teetering but too embarassed to go positive, another couple of posts here & he'll be top poster,
.....that would prove his suppressed devotion to Lori......HeartBounceBounceBounce
yeah this forum aint about all good goodyness, but the benifit fraud is not the only reason why people aint keen on her .

and lol at you thinking am netural rrroger
(10-11-2010 14:42 )chrislatimer Wrote: [ -> ]i discarded them because they werent revelant to the point i was making . and no the caps thread werent included.

As a matter of interest just how many posts were discarded?
And what made these posts irrelevant?
to answer your other question mrwotzup at the time it was about 103 posts roughly that i didnt count, as i didnt see the point of counting people who posted once in the thread or twice.
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