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Gigi 05-11-2010.

[Image: 791dd0105363414.jpg] [Image: 205a14105363424.jpg] [Image: a56ba2105363435.jpg] [Image: 42f0bb105363447.jpg] [Image: ae6564105363463.jpg] [Image: 6a7518105363484.jpg] [Image: 7fd2ef105363506.jpg] [Image: afcabc105363524.jpg] [Image: dfa0cf105363544.jpg] [Image: 4f19ff105363567.jpg] [Image: 46ec90105363591.jpg] [Image: 5a642f105363609.jpg] [Image: f050d5105363638.jpg] [Image: 468231105363667.jpg] [Image: f6be4b105363685.jpg] [Image: ff3979105363715.jpg] [Image: 66f1f6105363733.jpg] [Image: 2a3487105363760.jpg] [Image: 00b367105363788.jpg] [Image: fce7ab105363804.jpg] [Image: e8008d105363817.jpg] [Image: da32b3105363834.jpg] [Image: 196329105363847.jpg] [Image: 562c93105363865.jpg] [Image: b93d3a105363894.jpg] [Image: d18d75105363916.jpg] [Image: 5cdd8c105363935.jpg] [Image: 513f06105363956.jpg] [Image: 2f6c25105363978.jpg] [Image: 791e10105364003.jpg] [Image: 1bb3ca105364023.jpg] [Image: 43f3e6105364042.jpg] [Image: bf1e54105364061.jpg] [Image: 60cc80105364083.jpg] [Image: ab7c7d105364113.jpg] [Image: 8957c3105364128.jpg] [Image: 89cba0105364145.jpg] [Image: edbf50105364166.jpg] [Image: 45d14b105364193.jpg] [Image: e99de2105364220.jpg] [Image: adeac7105364268.jpg] [Image: 73141e105364298.jpg] [Image: 0b50f8105364320.jpg]
what is gigi real name?
hi this is gigi from red light. i am sorry to say i do not give my real name on the show. but if u do want to know i am on purestorm as tamarajacqueline. i dont mind to tell u this. i hope that helps u. also thank u for my clips.Smile
when r u back gigi me and mates missing u .ur always so great and we would love to c u back on screen just let us know when and we will b watching with everyone xxxxxxxxxxxx
gigi when is ur hot sexy body coming back. me and the guys miss u . my platoon have u as thir mascot. we miss u and u make us smile. we are off to aggaff. hurry up and cheer us up. your fans always. xxxxxx the boys r yours.
i am sorry but i do not know when i am back. thank u for your lovley words . i hope to be back very soon. just trying to find out my shifts. will let u know as soon as i do.xxxxxx
i wish u all the best and keep ur heads down over there and i hope u all come back safe.xxxxxx

gigi when is ur hot sexy body coming back. me and the guys miss u . my platoon have u as thir mascot. we miss u and u make us smile. we are off to aggaff. hurry up and cheer us up. your fans always. xxxxxx the boys r yours.
again , i am sorry but i dont know when i am back and i hope to be back soon. as soon as i know i will let u know.xxxxx

when r u back gigi me and mates missing u .ur always so great and we would love to c u back on screen just let us know when and we will b watching with everyone xxxxxxxxxxxx
(18-11-2010 21:16 )gigiredlight Wrote: [ -> ]hi this is gigi from red light. i am sorry to say i do not give my real name on the show. but if u do want to know i am on purestorm as tamarajacqueline. i dont mind to tell u this. i hope that helps u. also thank u for my clips.Smile
Welcome to the forum Gigi,Smile
well i hope u r back soon as we all love u and we will keep our heads down. we just want to say we think u are so horney and we want u back very soon. your biggest fans.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(23-11-2010 13:51 )rover Wrote: [ -> ]
(18-11-2010 21:16 )gigiredlight Wrote: [ -> ]hi this is gigi from red light. i am sorry to say i do not give my real name on the show. but if u do want to know i am on purestorm as tamarajacqueline. i dont mind to tell u this. i hope that helps u. also thank u for my clips.Smile
Welcome to the forum Gigi,Smile
thank u. xxxxxx
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