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True but if you look at it like that every tv program would fall into that category
Exactly my original point. Most, if not all, so-called tv and film dramas these days are essentially soap operas, and soap operas in my mind are aimed at women (generally) and gay men. True Blood is not a sci-fi/fantasy action-adventure show - it's a soap opera.
maybe maybe not. it does cover a lot genres i have just finished off watching all three series, back to back episodes. and can say i thoroughly enjoyed it. normally i dont go in for this kind of story telling but it had some sexy babes getting there tits out regularly so i was prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt, im glad i did.

1 of the better characters in the series is actually a gay man, he has depth and does play up to the stereotype somewhat, but he acts the part well enough and defiantly brings something to the story.

as for claiming its for gay men, well thats your opinion and maybe your insecurities. me i just enjoyed it for what it is...
You may have some of the female characters being naked occasionally, but I bet you'll find that, as with most mainstream tv and film dramas/comedies these days, the male nudity is much more prevalent.

Does that make me insecure as a straight man? No, not really. Does it annoy me? Yes, it does. But then, I suppose, I have to be thankful for the babe channels. You can watch anyone of them, safe in the knowledge that the only nudity you'll see is female nudity!
I'm really liking Anna Camp, who plays Sarah, the reverend's wife.

[Image: snapshot_4843.jpg]

Had her on my mind all week! Smile

This picture was on here -
Some True Blood wallpapers
just saw episode 1 of the fourth season. really good. without spoiling it i can tell you that sookie has been away for some time and there has been some big changes! also tara's a lesbian, which is nice!Smile

I wish the above video was the full clip of the picture below!

Deborah Ann Woll, is a great actress who is absolutely stunning & has a very funny website that has been set supposedly set up by her character in the show, the vampire, Jessica Smile
Channel 4 are showing the third season from tomorrow (tuesday) night, 11:05PM. Smile
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