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Hello all, my opening post...Smile

I've been reading the threads here for a few months now and noticed there is good knowledge of the various ladies - so I wondered if posters were able to name the three girls in the great text ad (text 'legal' to...) with the sexy office staff..?

Personally I think the brunette and dark-blonde/fair haired girls are tremendous(as is the third, the blond) and would really appreciate being told their names so I could see if they have other work online to see. Hopefully someone can help out.

Maybe a thread to use for future other such Babe Ad discussion...
Hey lono

Ive been trying to find the name of the light blond for around a month now and no luck so far. She is also in the fitbabes ad in the blue outfit.
Good luck with your search.
only know one of the girls guys, her name is candice collyer. (darker blonde hair). just google her , theres plenty of stuff about her, she's stunning. hope this helps.
The director of the ad posts here under this profile:
Perhaps you could send him a p.m for an I.D.
Talking of Ads has anyone else seen The Bare Tits Project? that's the funniest ad yet my favorite bit (apart from all the stripping) is when a girl runs into close-up looks left looks right then quickly says "You're watching Bang Babes" and runs off,genius Bounce
Seeing as this thread is about ads on the babechannels,...sorry, but I had to ask:
Has anyone sucummbed and bought the "Bricky" builder's tool? Smile Wink

[Image: 2704392_brickytool.jpg]
(07-06-2010 16:43 )tapit54 Wrote: [ -> ]Seeing as this thread is about ads on the babechannels,...sorry, but I had to ask:
Has anyone sucummbed and bought the "Bricky" builder's tool? Smile Wink

I was going to ask if any of you want me to put some caps up of Tommy Walsh as he appears to be The Pads latest signing.He on allmost as much as Vicky Thomas on Elite.
If i'm honest i'd prefer to watch one of Tommy's DIY least he moves around a bit! Bounce

[Image: 2706880_tommy-walsh.jpg]
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