As has been said, it has been an odd year for babeshows.
- The obvious low is the demise of BangBabes, who were easily one of the best for talent and performances, their loss has certainly left a huge hole on the channels. However, its the reasons behind their demise, and the consequences of it that have been the biggest loss in babeshow history: the stingent rules that have been enforced have really ruined what the babeshows were all about - in particular, no physical contact in 241s! What's the point? Even the babes themselves hate it! The other day, Daryl was told off for saying that her neck was stiff from a bad night of sleeping - ridiculous!
- The amount of advertising on Babestation has gone out of control. Far too much importance has been placed on selling pictures, videos and the Extreme channel, at the expense of showing off the talent they have. In addition, the OSGs are getting more inventive in ways to show less of the babes, and this is becoming a running joke that we all know too well. I wonder what it would take for BS to realise that they are alienating so many of the viewers.
- The retirement of Emily Dean and Karina have also been a loss to the channels, as well as great talent defecting.
- The laziness of Ashley Emma. For someone so beautiful, she could be one of the best and most popular, if she actually moved around at all, but being in the clique, she knows she doesn't have to. Add to that, Mica's constant frown, she should at least fake smile and pretend to enjoy her job!
- The clear high for me has been the emergence of RLC from the ashes of BangBabes. I'm not saying I'm a huge fan, but the fact they have 4 channels, and some great talent to watch, is a good thing!
- The return of Hazel Bond was awesome, she is looking hot as ever!
- The use of porn stars has only been great for me as I am a big Alexis Texas and Tori Black fan, so being able to talk to them was pretty novel, add that to the fact that they perform well and enjoy it makes it better viewing for us all!
- Adele, Lori, Victoria Roberts and to a lesser extent Delta, moving to Elite. They are on the best channel, and will be able to showcase their talents more.
- Jennifer Jade, Brook Little, Vanessa Walker, Moness and Jessica Jensen...some fresh faces, always nice to see!
So overall, its been an interesting year, but that's typical of the babeshows! I just sincerely hope that over the next year the strict reigns of Ofcom are loosened a bit, so that the babeshows could at least go back to how they were last year!
Been a fun year, here's to many more on the shows and on this forum