[This post contains some speculation as to how the main two operators' web systems work. I hope some one with more direct knowledge than I can confirm the truth of what I intuit here.]
It occured to me the other day that by rights the channels should be more in tune with guys needs than ever. How so? Well consider...
Not everything the babes know of us comes for their callers or this forum any more.
Modern tech has not only broadened the scope and potential customer base for the babes but it has also put each one in near constant and not so narrowly defined communication with their wider audience. A major factor in this has been established by the change in the way guys watch the shows in recent years.
As the percentage of people streaming TV services grows so will have the number of guys using the channels' streams to view them. This fact is reinforced by the visable ways in which the channels have encouraged such interaction and indeed benefitted from it. One consequence of this, previously unreferenced on the forum I believe,
should be an increased responsiveness from the babes (in terms of them doing things that are popular and crowd pleasing).
I reason this, thus: In the old days all that operators knew of their non-paying (as yet) viewers were some rough numbers - presumably these were collated in the same way as they are for the regular TV channels (averaged up from monitored households and so forth after the fact). But now, regardless of the exact methods of old, they have ever more pertinent, comprehesive and wideranging info than ever could have been available to them back then... I refer to the info they collate on a distinct and key subset of viewers - the streamers. Nowadays, I think we can be sure, the operators know how and what streams are being viewed by these guys at every turn; the how manys, the whats and wherefores, 24/7. With live indications of every interaction with each stream they can surely see guys move around their output as ants on a picnic napkin... Presumably all this info, with links to the relevant history on each punter, is right there on the babes' laptops as it happens (should they but care to look).
And the key is that they've surely had this data for a while now. The widespread use of the webstreams should have enabled much data mining on behalf of the operators but, more prosaically, should have given each babe an ever greater familiarity with her wider audience. Knowledge of her own actions seen in conjunction the streamers movements should provide each babe with far better reference for multiple things connected with guys' interactions. For instance: What things convert non-payers into opening their wallets (the biggie!), what makes guys turn off her stream, or what spreads good word of mouth and/or attracts a crowd. These things should be far more easily intuited by the modern babe than they ever were before.
This deeper knowledge would have been anecdotal matter, strengthened by a babe's experience garnered over much time, back in the day. Now it should be much more immediately quantifiable.
When this is allied with knowledge gained from other enhanced methods of communication with their wider audience (the various chat boxes, social media sites and *cough* a greater predominance of their own third party sites offering different avenues of interaction) the babes should, in theory, be better judges of what's required of them... So if an established babe, one you would other wise fancy doesn't fulfill your needs, they really do have less excuse than ever.